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Names of Old Teammates

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Names of Old Teammates

by Robert Brickhouse

ran our rival’s T-plays
on the scout team
with such joy
the coaches put him in the real game
to baffle and wreak havoc.

hitchhiked to school with no breakfast
no braggadocio, anchored
both sides of the line, retired
a multi-millionaire.

wore thick glasses with a head band,
wasn’t fast or strong,
guided us up and down the court
with calm precision.

had a gentle heart, a twisted
smile if he liked you,
sharp elbows if he didn’t and
a fo’-barrel fifty-fo’ Ford.

could barely see
over the middle he backed. Any
runner who got that far
never knew what hit him.

saved my ass one night
when I walked alone through his part of town.
Challenged to a fight by a dimwit in a beater,
I said “you know Bugsy?”
He said “any friend of Bugsy’s is a friend of mine.”

led the state in sacks and held the shotput record.
He’d lock his hands behind his head
at the end of every wind sprint,
strut around to catch his breath and teach us
how good it was to be alive.

Robert Brickhouse, a multi-sport benchwarmer in his youth, has worked as a newspaper reporter and writer for university publications in Virginia. His poems and short stories have appeared in many magazines, among them the Virginia Quarterly Review, the Southern Poetry Review, Poet Lore, the Texas Review, Atlanta Review, Pleiades, and Light Quarterly. “Names of Old Teammates” first appeared in the American Journal of Poetry.

Local Rules

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Local Rules

by Andrea Dejean

In the French overseas département of French Guiana, located north of Brazil, we play golf on a course carved out of the Amazon rainforest. Perhaps not unlike courses in other “wild” areas, we have a long list of local rules.

You get a free drop if your ball lands on a red ant nest or close enough that you can’t properly take up your stance without getting bitten; if a monkey moves your ball or steals it, you can replace it (no penalty); grounding your club in a hazard is acceptable only if you are assuring yourself that there are no snakes or in the event that the resident caiman emerges from the water hazard on #5. Back-ups are possible between holes #6 and #7 because the wasps nesting there tend to attack for no reason — and, no, you don’t have to be close. You can almost always place your ball, clean it, or move it — especially on the greens where tunnelling insects wreak havoc on putting lines. The giant anteater on #10 is not aggressive, but don’t get too close or it will wrap you in a suffocating bear hug. If you make a ‘pit-stop’ in the bathroom before teeing off on #13, remember to check that no hairy, urticating spider is snuggled up in the toilet paper tube. Dogs are allowed on the course, but a female puma has been seen teaching her young to hunt along fairway #18, so it’s probably best leave your pup at home.

Tournament play is almost never called due to rain, no matter how torrential, especially because electrical storms are extremely rare. If, however, you cannot find relief from standing water in the middle of the fairway, you can tee up your ball. If you cannot find your ball in the middle of the fairway because it has plunged deeply into the humid earth, you can drop a ball in the closest approximate area — which is not always as easy as you might think because the first ball rarely leaves a trace. On the contrary, during the dry season when much of the course turns to hard pack, you can place your ball on grass as long as you do not move it closer to the pin and as long as you can find some grass. Seasoned players will advise you to avoid the tufts that resist the drought. Clubheads have a tendency to get stuck behind them and the ball usually squirts out any which way, but not generally the way you intended.

You are also advised to resist the temptation to try to fly your ball up and over any of the oil palms on the course at the risk of finding it perched in the fronds (especially on #8) or nestled out of sight behind the protective shell covering the pendulous strings of seeds on two ‘maripa’ palms on #11. Luckily, as the seeds ripen, the shell slowly detaches itself and falls and you can get your ball back — but it might take a week or so. These palms pose another, improbable threat. Several years ago a friend “ker-plunked” her tee-shot into the foot of one of the sock-like weaverbird nests hanging from one of the palms on that same hole.

So, it’s funny that when you are playing on a manicured course in some other part of the world and stopping yourself midway as you bend down to place your ball quite unnecessarily because the ball is sitting on a perfect lie or topping a second shot on lushly carpeted fairways because the thought of taking a divot breaks your heart or five-putting on greens smooth as billiard tables how much you’ll miss this place. You’ll miss the golden quality of the light as the sun sets and the zany, bouncing flight of the toucan overhead, the sound of laughter and conversation as members share cold beer and stories in the open-air clubhouse and how the mangoes that fall onto the tee-box on the third hole make the sweetest jam.

Perhaps the most important local rule, here and elsewhere, and totally contrary to what every instructor has ever told you is: do lift your head. Lift your head, look around, take it all in and realise what a privilege it is to be standing where you are.

The Association de Golf de l’Anse in Kourou, French Guiana, celebrated 20 years of existence in 2015 and is managed entirely by volunteers.

Andrea Dejean is the translator of a book on biodiversity and has published her own poetry and creative fiction and nonfiction in both independent and university-affiliated literary journals. A native of Michigan, she is now a permanent resident of France.

The Lost Cause

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The Lost Cause

by Virginia Ottley Craighill

Disaster Artist
It’s raining and cold. The massive crowd is going nowhere fast. Mashed together like cattle in a stockyard, we are about 30 yards from the entrance. From here we can see only two security screens, like the ones at the airport. Some guys farther behind us get ugly, start pushing, and scream at the gatekeepers, “What’s the fucking holdup?! You guys are idiots! We paid a lot of money to stand here in the fucking rain. Get us inside now, ASSHOLES!” People close to the entrance turn and collectively roll their eyes, although we’re probably all thinking the same thing. It’s 7:15 and kick-off is in an hour.

We’re waiting outside the Mercedes-Benz stadium in Atlanta, Georgia with tickets to the 2018 College Football National Championship Game between the University of Alabama and the University of Georgia. The Tide vs. the Dawgs, in the vernacular. The guy behind us is right about one thing: everyone in line likely paid a lot of money to be here. My husband went to Georgia, and he loves football, so he paid some obscene amount of money, an amount I never want to know, to take us, our son and daughter and me, to this game.

The problem, I suspect, is Donald Trump. The President of the United States flew to the game earlier on Air Force One and is now ensconced in a cozy luxury box with former Georgia Governor and current U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue. My suspicion is later confirmed by one of the ticket takers, who says Trump’s arrival set security back hours and caused traffic gridlock and unconscionable waits at the entrances. Trump knows he has a fan base in Alabama and Georgia.

We’re now 30 minutes from the coin toss and have only moved two feet. The man behind me presses his crotch into my backside. I am tempted to #MeToo him after watching the Golden Globes, but he appears to be pushed forward by the aggressive crowd behind him and probably can’t help where his crotch ends up. I give him the benefit of the doubt. My husband keeps telling the people in line around him how badly he needs to use the bathroom, which is probably not what they want to hear. My son, who wears a Georgia sweatshirt and a red ribbon in his hair, points out a woman a few yards ahead of us in line. She has a whitish translucent pointy poncho over her head that we all agree looks disturbingly like either a condom on a penis or a KKK hood. But her hair will be fine once she gets inside. My husband holds up a broken and ineffectual umbrella

The National Football Championship Game would be an excellent setting for a disaster film. Instead of a vengeful sniper (Two-Minute Warning) or a suicidal Vietnam vet flying an explosive blimp over the stadium (Black Sunday), in my version the electricity in the stadium would be cut once everyone is inside and the stadium doors locked while kidnappers with night-vision goggles hired by a secret cadre of Republican senators seek out the President. This is not as far-fetched as one would think since the electricity went out at the Atlanta International Airport two weeks before Christmas.

When I mention this to my family, my daughter, who is wearing a Georgia football hat and ear plugs, tells me to keep quiet in case the Secret Service is listening. In disaster films of the 1970s, the smart, attractive people always made it out alive, while the stupid, unappealing characters died in horrifically entertaining ways. The drunk, screaming guys behind us would definitely meet their maker in my film. Even a nice character like the one played by Shelley Winters in The Poseidon Adventure had to die because she was fat and somewhat old. At least she drowned sacrificing herself for one of the cuter, younger characters. At fifty-seven, I most likely would not be saved in my own film, but my children would probably make it.

Getting inside has become a matter of increasing urgency for my husband. We slowly inch closer to the security screens, jamming ourselves toward where you empty your pockets into the little bowl, raise your arms and submit to metal detectors. Shouts of joy come from those who have finally made it through to the other side. The women in front of me have clear plastic purses with the Georgia bulldogs insignia on them; they get through quickly. The men take longer because they have to pull everything out of their pants pockets and often forget some piece of change. That sets off the scanner, and they have to get a pat down from the guards, who probably do not enjoy it any more than the fans do.

My husband goes first, after telling the guard, the woman scanning the electronic tickets, and everyone around him that he’s going to piss himself. He does not get a pat down. The woman points him in the direction of the nearest bathrooms, three floors up. He hands me his phone with the electronic tickets for the rest of us, and runs. Not having bathrooms on the ground floor seems like short-sighted planning for a building that costs 1.5 billion dollars. After our son and daughter scan in, they take off for our seats. It’s close to kick-off. They yell back at me to go to Section 309. I stand on the gray concrete floor and wait for my husband, though we did not communicate about where to meet, and I have his cell phone, which has the seat numbers on it. After five minutes, I get anxious and head up the first flight of stairs. The stadium is cavernous, bigger than anything I’ve ever been in, bigger, probably, than the ship in The Poseidon Adventure. It has no logic. Crowds of people who just made it through the scanner run past me to their seats; it’s a blur of red and black. Someone has urinated on the second flight of stairs. I pray it’s not my husband.

“Fuck Trump”
Section 309 is all the way on the other side of the stadium, about two miles away, over something called the Sky Bridge. The announcer introduces President Trump, and there are sounds of booing, hissing, and cheering. My feelings about him become more negative, if possible, because of the inconvenience he has caused the people trying to get in, and I mutter under my breath, “fuck you, Trump.” I realize I sound like the rude people in line behind me, but their anger was misdirected at the security guards. Apparently, I am not alone in my sentiments: protesters projected “FUCK TRUMP” in giant letters onto the stadium before he arrived. At this point, people are mostly in their seats, though many are frantically buying $8 beers. We had our beer and chicken tenders from Publix earlier while sitting in our car in a vacant lot where we’d paid some guy $30 instead of $50 to park. We gave the attendant a piece of chicken, and he left to get a cup of coffee and never came back. My husband will probably spend the rest of his life trying to make up the cost of these tickets, so I hope our car is still there when we get back.

I see my children standing in the hallway outside Section 309. They don’t know where the seats are, and they don’t know where their parents are, who know where the seats are. I pull out my husband’s cell phone and show them, but they’re angry that I left him. He’s a big boy and probably knows where to go, I say. We spot him a few minutes later. His pants are clean, so we all embrace for a moment before heading in. We’ve missed the anthem, the president, the coin toss, and the kick-off, but are otherwise on time

0 to 0
There is no way to express the hugeness of the new stadium; it is huger than Trump’s hands, and the crowd — over 77,000 people — is possibly bigger than his inauguration. Our seats are high up on the 25 yard line, but the field and players are clear; we can see every play. And if we can’t, there are multiple Jumbo-trons that make it possible to see each hair on UGA quarterback Jake Fromm’s scruffy beard. We’re in the UGA section and the fans around us seem reasonable enough. All of them are white, though I don’t correlate reasonableness with whiteness. In the first quarter, UGA makes some stunning plays, and the crowd erupts. The woman in front of me wears a black sweater, black pants, and black booties, has a red and black G painted on her cheek. She turns around and high-fives me every time something good happens for the Dawgs. The man next to me high-fives me, too. Everyone’s congenial and rabidly excited by Georgia’s strong opening.

I should explain that I am not a football fanatic, or even a fan. I’m from Atlanta and went to graduate school at UGA but never went to a game, so my loyalty is questionable. If I watch football, it’s because people in my family are watching it. I’ve come along with a sort of anthropological mindset. What makes so many people spend their hard-earned money for this event?  Why is it so important?  What will change if Georgia wins?  Or loses? Why is college football like some kind of religion?  The man next to me graduated from UGA in 1997 (he looks older). He flew out to Pasadena the week before for the Rose Bowl (Georgia beat Oklahoma, which is why we’re here). The woman next to my husband flew down from Washington with her husband, but left him in their hotel room because he is older, she explains, and she doesn’t want him to have a stroke or a heart attack if the game gets too intense. People should not die over football games. Neither my son nor daughter went to Georgia, but my son feels some esoteric emotional connection with this team, perhaps inherited from his father. My husband and my son played football, but my daughter is the real athlete of the family, and her interest stems from a physical and intellectual understanding of what it takes to do what these players do on the field.

What they do on the field is slam into each other a lot. The Tide plays dirty. Because of the Jumbo-tron, we can see when one Alabama player takes down the UGA ball carrier then knocks him in the head after he’s on the ground. We can see another ‘Bama player put a last minute choke-hold on a UGA player that doesn’t get a flag. It’s beginning to make me mad, and this surge of emotion is actually helpful because now I’m standing up and screaming at the ref and cheering “sic ‘em, sic ‘em, sic ‘em” when Georgia kicks to ‘Bama after another touchdown. My husband takes a picture of me doing this to send to his friends who bet him I would be reading a book throughout the game. It suddenly seems hopeful and joyous, though there is a gnawing sense that the evil genius Nick Saban will never let Alabama lose.

At the end of the second quarter, Georgia is up 13-0 and the crowd is elated. My son notes that, curiously, Saban has benched his first-string quarterback and put in the second string “true freshman” quarterback, a guy from Hawaii named Tua who’s never started a game. It interests me that Tua is from Hawaii, which is nowhere near Alabama. A “true freshman,” by the way, is someone who is actually a first-year college student, not someone who’s been sitting on the bench for a year. So the two quarterbacks in this game now are just around 18 years old. What would it be like to be eighteen and the center of this storm of insanity and adulation? What would it be like to know that the President of the United States (whoever it is) has flown down in Air Force One to watch you?   What would the rest of your life be like after this?

My son is excited that rapper Kendrick Lamar is the halftime entertainment. It’s the first time the National Championship has had a halftime performer, and certainly the first time Donald Trump has seen Kendrick Lamar perform (it turns out Trump did not see him perform; he supposedly left before halftime). When I comment to my son that the majority of the people in the stadium are white, so Lamar’s rap might be lost on them, he notes that the majority of people who go to Georgia and Alabama are white, with the exception of the players on the field. I tell him this sounds racist, but he tells me it’s not racist if it’s true.

Lamar appears on the Jumbo-tron but he’s not on the field. They’ve set the halftime show outside in Centennial Park, a free, non-ticketed venue, instead of inside the stadium, which makes sense. Why should Kendrick Lamar perform for all the rich white people in the stadium (including Trump, if he were still here), who probably only listen to Tony Bennett or Taylor Swift, when he can entertain the people of Atlanta, the majority of whom are of color (at least it appears so on the Jumbo-tron) and have been waiting outside in the cold and rain? It seems like a very egalitarian choice, except for the fact that we’re inside a warm, dry stadium, and they’re outside freezing

Most of the people working in the stadium are also of color, blacks, Latinos, immigrants: the servers, bathroom staff, security, no doubt a few of them from what Trump will allegedly call “shithole countries” this very week. When I go to the bathroom (surprisingly empty), the woman cleaning has a knitted rainbow scarf around her head. I thank her, but she doesn’t acknowledge me. No one seems terribly happy to be working the game. Maybe because Trump is here. Maybe because we’re playing Alabama

And fans of other teams hate The Crimson Tide. Sometimes that gets mixed up with the state, though having just marginally disposed of racist and alleged pedophile Roy Moore in the special Senate election, one is inclined to cut Alabamians some slack. To be fair, the whole stadium is a sea of red, and it’s not just because both teams wear the same colors. Both Georgia and Alabama are red states, and I wonder how many rosy-robed fans here voted for Trump. An Alabama judge once described former Governor George Wallace, a demagogue in the same mold as Donald Trump: “’[Wallace] keeps tellin’ ‘em, ‘You the children of Israel, you gonna lead this country out of the wilderness!’ Well, goddamn. We at the bottom of everything you can find to be at the bottom of, and yet we gonna save the country. We lead the country in illiteracy and syphilis, and yet we gonna lead the damn country out of the wilderness…’”  And maybe that’s why some people love the Crimson Tide the way they love Trump. Because they’re always on top. They are always winners. Nick Saban is gonna lead them out of the wilderness and into another National Championship. But not yet.

Halftime passes quickly while everyone catches up on their texts. People are sending pictures and Snapchats to their friends watching the game at home, or they are posting on Instagram or Facebook. I have friends in San Antonio and Italy who keep sending me game emojis. People who have no reason to be Georgia fans are completely invested in the outcome. Once we were in Seville when Spain was in the finals of the World Cup Soccer tournament; our lodging was on a big square in the heart of the city and every single bar and restaurant set up enormous television screens on the border of the square. All the patrons were sitting outside drinking and screaming at every play; everyone was unified in their desire to beat Germany, or whoever it was. It felt good to be there, to be a part of a larger organism, something that everyone agreed on and cared passionately about. It felt very human. But maybe there’s another side to that, like possibly rabid nationalism.

The good part, the unifying part, seems to be what’s happening here, too, but not quite. The walls of the aptly named Mercedes-Benz stadium contain a fairly rarified group, most of whom have paid full price. A man on our row walks past us on his way to the bathroom and says something to my son. After the man has gone, my son tells us what he said: “I hope you know how privileged you are to be here.”  This is curious and somewhat ambiguous. Does he mean my son is privileged to be watching the University of Georgia play in the National Championships?  Is he privileged to see Georgia beating Alabama, to see Kirby Smart defeat Nick Saban? Is it a privilege to be in the same building as the President of the United States? Or is everyone in this arena simply privileged because they have enough disposable income to blow on four hours of football?

In the somewhat inevitable, at least to my mind, denouement of the fourth quarter, Tua rides the now rising Crimson Tide the way he might ride a surfboard in his native state. Since he’s never started before and hasn’t played much in other games, the Dawgs don’t know what to expect from him. He’s creative and unpredictable. We start to hear from the other side of the stadium, as the Alabama fans get louder and louder and the Georgia fans look more and more like deflated balloon animals. “Sweet Home Alabama” plays over the loudspeaker, a song I like, but know I’d better not sing or dance to now. The woman in front of me is no longer reaching back to give me high-fives. Someone several rows back dumps what must be a Coca-Cola onto us. I feel the sticky, syrupy mess drying in strands of my hair as the Tide gets closer to a tie. And then it is a tie game. You can almost hear the breath leaving the balloon animals as if they’d all been punctured at the same time. Alabama is going to kick a field goal in the last 3 seconds of the game, which seems to me to be a cowardly loser way to win. This would be a good time for the electricity to go out.

The kicker misses the field goal. The lights stay on. We’re in overtime.

It’s midnight. I pray for a quick ending, and hopefully a positive one for Georgia. It is quick. Georgia’s Roderigo Blankenship, who should get credit for his name alone but is also a great field goal kicker, makes one, and it’s 23-20. Now the ball goes to Alabama. The quarterback gets sacked, then he throws, the ball is caught, and ‘Bama scores. As fast as that, all the hopes and dreams of the people on our side come to an end. Suddenly, the other side of the stadium bursts into cheers on the other side and glittery confetti explodes from the ceiling of the dome. Everyone in our section stands there dumbfounded. My husband sits down. Our daughter has her hands on her head. Our son says, “We’ve got to get out of here, NOW.”  There might be tears in his eyes. The feeling seems familiar, as if it had happened before, maybe back in early November of 2017.

As if all the Georgia fans had the same thought at the same moment, like ants silently communicating, there’s a unified and dignified movement out of their seats and into the hall. No one says anything as at least 50,000 people march towards the stairways. And just like the beginning of this disaster, we are suddenly pinned in a flesh press of bodies all moving the same way. On the stairs, one man has the temerity to squeak out, “Roll, Tide,” in a tiny, uncertain voice, but he recognizes the danger of being celebratory on this side and fades into the crowd.

I am holding my husband’s hand with one hand and grasping my son’s sweatshirt with the other because this is the kind of crowd that would trample you in an instant, the kind of crowd where you could get shanked and your body would be carried along upright until you got outside, the kind of crowd where you could lose your children forever. My daughter is farther ahead; I can tell she’s pissed and she’s not going to hold anyone’s hand; she’s just going to get out, but we keep track of her.

The short-sightedness of the stadium planners again becomes evident as tens of thousands of sad, angry, disappointed, possibly suicidal and/or homicidal Georgia fans attempt to squeeze through two solitary exits before Alabama fans really start celebrating. Personally, I am not feeling all that bad now. It was a good game, and it was exciting; Georgia played better than Alabama. But nobody around me wants to hear it. My son starts whining about how it’s a curse on Georgia teams and recounting the admittedly depressing story of the Atlanta Falcons’ loss in last year’s Super Bowl against the New England Patriots.

This attitude makes me think about a line from the film “Talladega Nights,” which, I should point out, is set in Alabama. Ricky Bobby, the main character played by Will Ferrell, is a race car driver at Talladega, and lives by the motto, “If you ain’t first, you’re last.” It doesn’t matter if Georgia won the Rose Bowl and the SEC Championship; it doesn’t matter if they had a fantastic season and played honorably and well in their home state in the National Championships. If they’re not first, they’re last.  This could be Trump’s motto, too. Trump loves winning, thinks of himself as a winner, no matter the facts. The president is no doubt now an Alabama fan even if he was a guest of Sonny Perdue because Perdue is now on the losing side. Later this week, Sonny’s first cousin, Senator David Perdue, will defend Trump’s profane comments on immigrants from Haiti and Africa, claiming he cannot recall the president using any such derogatory terms.

We’ll Get ‘Em Next Year
Once outside, we head in the wrong direction and have to walk all the way around the stadium. The crowd is still eerily silent and controlled. No one screams or fights or curses. The concrete barriers around the stadium are covered with beer cans and bottles from earlier tailgaters. I think about the stadium workers and their grim, stoic faces, who will be cleaning up this mess until dawn. A tall gangly black man coming from the direction of Centennial Park walks in front of us and yells, “Fuck Alabama! Fuck Saban!” to some white fraternity guys with Georgia shirts on. They hesitantly high-five him and mildly respond, “Yeah Dude, Fuck ‘Bama!” The frat guys walk closer together. The man keeps on walking beside the boys, mumbling to them, “Yeah, fuck that! We’ll get ‘em next year!”  He kicks some empty beer cans and kind of trips off the curb. The fraternity boys walk faster.

Virginia Ottley Craighill grew up in Atlanta, Georgia, and received her Ph.D. in English and Creative Writing from the University of Georgia. She has been teaching English at the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee since 2001, and lives in Sewanee. She has commentary on the letters of Tennessee Williams  in the Winter 2018 issue of The Sewanee Review and has a chapter on Eudora Welty in the upcoming volume Teaching the Works of Eudora Welty. Her poems have been published in Gulf CoastThe Chattahoochee Review, and Kalliope, among others.

Longform Creative Nonfiction and Featured Poet Contests

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For our first print issue of 2021, a summer offering, we’re expanding our pages a bit to include longform creative nonfiction (essays of 6,000 to 10,000 words) and a featured poet (with half a dozen poems). Congratulations to Dave Fromm for his winning essay, “Tool Town Left to Its Own Devices.” Glenn Stowell will be our featured poet. Thanks to everyone who entered. And special thanks to Frank Van Zant and Ben Giamo, our judges.

Stay tuned for future contests.

Frank Van Zant, our poetry editor, will judge the anonymous poetry finalists, selected by our other editors. Ben Giamo, a Sport Literate veteran and one of our “Best Americans,” will serve as a our guest judge for the essays. Ben is an Emeritus Professor of American Studies at Notre Dame University. He is the author of several books: On the Bowery: Confronting Homelessness in American SocietyBeyond Homelessness: Frames of ReferenceThe Homeless of IronweedKerouac, the Word and the Way: Prose Artist as Spiritual QuesterNotes from the Bowery; and Homeless Come Home: An Advocate, the Riverbank, and Murder in Topeka, Kansas.

In general, here are some rules to live and submit by:

  • We think the $21 pot builder is reasonable (we usually break even), and the cost of a standard subscription is $20.
  • Previously published work is acceptable. Just let us know who had it first so we can give them credit should you win or we publish it.
  • Poets should send six poems per entry. No more, no less. Please put them all in one Word document.
  • Writers can send one essay per entry. Enter as many times as you like.
  • We’ll consider a chapter or some part of a book-length project, though your essay should read as a standalone piece.
  • All entries will be considered for standard publication.
  •  Should you need to resubmit your entry for whatever reason (from typos to life-changing perspectives), simply email the editor (billsportliterate@gmail.com). You can send something anew.
  • Submissions should come through Submittable.
  • Don’t forget to tell us the two back issues you’d like to receive. We’d even send them to a friend, noting your thoughtfulness.
  • We can send back issues to U.S. domestic issues only. So if you live abroad, maybe you’ve got a cousin in the States.

Back-Issue Bonanza:

  • “Another Issue of the Big Shoulders”: This special Chicago issue features a photo essay on yesteryear women in sports from the Chicago History Museum. Michael W. Cox shares an unexpected encounter on a basketball court. And William Meiners, SL editor,  attempts his best George Plimpton as a hamstrung tight end for the semi-pro Lafayette Lions.


  • “Our Football Best 2008”: Contest winner Robert Reichle’s “Football Heaven” highlights this special football collective. Ken Rodgers interviews Steve Sabol of “NFL Films.” Plus, Benedict Giamo’s Best American Essay noteworthy “Played Out” makes much out of pigskin. Yes, that’s the same Ben judging this contest!

  • “Fallout 2018”: This issue features two particularly good football essays from our contest winner Todd Davis and Virginia Ottley Craighill. “The Lost Cause,” Virginia’s essay, was anthologized in Best American Sports Writing 2019.


  • “25th Anniversary Issue”: Our 2020 issue, which you can also sample a bit online, is full of great essays and poetry, including three contest winners: Hal Ackerman, Jack Bedell, and Sage Marshall.









Homemade Dick Taters

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Got a late-night taste for tater tots by Ore-Ida? I’d rather not, my snowflake friend. If you’ve given up Tuesday night baseball for news from the Trump lane, try wrapping your mind and taste buds around these potato bombs of historic proportion. Dick Taters™, fashioned in the honor our beloved 45th “president,” might just be highly caloric enough to stop your heart in its tracks. Why reach for a proven old frozen (Ice Queen) treat when you can make a hot mess of your own?

Recipe for Disaster: Peel two pounds of Idaho potatoes (maybe the only brown tolerated in the Rust Belt), and throw in a sweet potato to achieve that tangerine glow. Parboil in pot for six minutes and just get used to that sinking feeling; it’s the environment being poisoned, democracy scorched. Shred those soft potatoes — “Shred the shit out of them!” — and mix into a bowl with salt, coal, Nazi nostalgia, oregano salt, a big spoon of All White (Alt Right?) Flour, dried dill, angry redneck, Russian vodka, and anything else you can choke down for the next four years. Don’t wash your hands. Even if they look and smell like tiny sausages. Squeeze tots into bloated likeness of a man so crooked, he makes Nixon look like a straight shooter.

Heat while High. Prebake, then set your oven for 666 and cook for 110 days. Read that pint-size copy of the U.S. Constitution and put your legislators on speed dial. Resist urge to stick your own head in the oven.

Snide Effects. This product may cause mild nausea in FBI directors. Poor baby, hope you don’t throw up all over your clown shoes. Maybe call in sick on May 9th. Anyone with the following preexisting conditions may experience extreme vomiting just smelling this food… Women. Women who may become pregnant. Women who may someday think about terminating a pregnancy. Women who may object to any fat-fingered predators. Anyone checking anything other than white on an application. Evangelicals, eat up!

Red State Diarrhea Alert. If you voted for this fucker, bamboozled by his call for jobs, swamp drainage, boy talk about kittycat manhandling, Muslim or Mexican bans, or even wishing “Merry Christmas” again, you might want to eat these tots on the toilet. These curds will run through like a goose at an all-you-can-eat breadcrumb bar. When the splatter hits the bowl, look up from your wrestling magazine, ask your better half if that job plan included a new draft for World War III. And kiss your own filthy ass goodbye.

Dick Taters™  When Trump says, “There’s no there there,” just swallow this shit wholesale. It’s toxic, piping hot.


Pitching for Carvel

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by Jamie Reidy

I fell for baseball like I did ice cream: instantly and irretrievably.

Like so many fathers, Rich Reidy encouraged his eldest son’s devotion to America’s pastime, playing endless games of catch. At first we tossed the ball in our tiny side yard penned in width-wise by the driveway and the neighbor’s property and length-wise by a willow tree and a Japanese maple. Later, when my throwing arm necessitated more space, we relocated to the much longer backyard.

That move north seemed like graduation day to me. Soon after, a pitch-back arrived, its silver tubing and a white net marking a highlight in the summer between third and fourth grade. Within a few weeks, I’d tattered the red ribbon that marked its strike zone. That winter, very my father and worked on my windup every night… in the kitchen. I am fairly certain that Nolan Ryan did not hone his delivery on linoleum in the area between the fridge and kitchen table. Why we didn’t practice in the living room or downstairs, I dunno. But Dad knew exactly what he wanted to see: a high leg kick and an exaggerated follow through. I thrived on every minute of that time with him, and I eventually got the mechanics down pat.

Our efforts paid off, as I established myself as my Little League team’s “back innings” guy. The Giants dominated the regular season, losing only once. In the championship game, we got the thrill of competing on “the big field,” a.k.a. where the boys in the Majors (11-12 year olds) played. I pitched the final three innings of the season, striking out the last batter. That prompted the first — and last — time my teammates ever carried me off a field.

Our manager Mr. Flannery invited us all to Carvel for a celebratory treat. A championship and Carvel? I felt like life could not get any better. Nearly forty years later, I realize that assessment was probably right.

Mom missed the game, staying home with my toddler brother and newborn sister. So, only Dad and I rolled to the Giants’ championship festivities. As we pulled into the shopping center parking lot, I spotted several of my teammates already inside Carvel. My old man had barely put his Ford LTD into park when I undid my seatbelt and flew out the door.

As I sprinted from our parking spot, I failed to look one way, let alone both ways.


The urgency in my father’s voice brought me to an immediate stop. But that didn’t matter; the oncoming car wasn’t going to be able to halt in time. I braced for the impact.

Luckily, no one had parked in the spots to the driver’s right, so he screeched his brakes and yanked his car to the side, narrowly avoiding me.

I gave the driver a weak wave of thanks. He wagged an angry finger at me. Inside Carvel’s huge windows, the other Giants and their parents had seen the near accident. They smiled with palpable relief. So did I.

Rich Reidy was not smiling. In fact, he had reached DEFCON 5 faster than I’d ever seen before. He stomped over and grabbed my arm at the biceps.

“You never looked!”

I nodded in agreement as my body started trembling from the scare of the near death experience.

“Forget Carvel! Get in the car!”

Wait. Huh? I mean, sure, OK, I forgot the cardinal rule for crossing the street, but c’mon, cut me some slack: I just got carried off the field!

“But Dad, all the guys are —“

“In the car!”

Cue tears. I wished that car had hit me. In our car, I slumped down into the passenger seat. As my father sped us away, all my teammates stared, mouths agape, pointing. Where’s Jamie going?

At home, I ran crying into my room and shut the door. Mom assumed we’d lost the championship game.

I couldn’t believe Dad purposely ruined the best night of my life. I swore I’d never forgive him. It took years for me to I see I’d completely misinterpreted his reaction.

Rich Reidy watched helplessly as his firstborn ran into the path of an oncoming car. I don’t have any kids, but friends of mine with children assure me that there is no bigger fear for a parent. In the Carvel parking lot, Dad’s face wasn’t flushed with anger; it was ashen with fright. He just didn’t know how to express that panic.

A week later I arrived back at the big field for the league All-Star game. Our manager had actually skippered the team that the Giants had just defeated to win the title. In the dugout he turned to me and said, as if it had been the easiest decision of his life, “Jamie, you’re my starting pitcher.”

On the mound, I felt out of sorts. I hit the leadoff man with a pitch. I walked the next boy. Then I beaned the batter after that. Quite a start: no strikes, three men on, no outs. I finally threw a strike, which the cleanup man lined up the middle, right at me.

I managed to catch the ball inches from my nose, and quickly pivoted toward third base, trying to catch the runner leaning the wrong way. He dove back to the bag, and I checked the other two bases — everybody safe.

The next boy up hit a screaming line drive right back at me. Again, I made the catch in an act of self-preservation, before repeating the drill of checking all the runners. Two outs.

The sixth batter rocketed a line drive up the middle that made his teammates’ efforts look feeble. I made like Neo in The Matrix, bending backwards at an impossible angle to get out of the way while blindly throwing my gloved hand up. Somehow, the ball stuck in the webbing.

Our cheering section roared and my All-Star teammates pounded me with congratulations in front of the dugout. I don’t remember if we won the game or not. I only recall that top half of the first inning.

And my father’s post-game reaction.

Dad practically bounced to the car, he was so pumped up. “Wow! Did you shut them down in that first inning or what?!”

I looked at him, dubious, wondering if he’d been sneaking beers beneath the stands. I hadn’t shut anybody down. The only three batters to whom I’d managed to throw a strike nearly killed me with line drives up the middle, the surefire indication that they’d timed the pitches perfectly. But he continued.

“Everybody kept asking me, ‘How’d he make that catch?!’” Which time? I thought. “And then they couldn’t believe you had the sense to check the runners back to their bases!” OK, I had to admit that I’d been kinda impressed with that move the first time I did it. But by the third time? I mean, I was quite familiar by that time with what to do.

My father’s eyes glowed proudly. He began to speak, but then stopped. I knew he wanted to share something important. Maybe to apologize for the Carvel parking lot?

The moment passed without him saying a word. Finally, he threw an arm around my shoulder and squeezed me close. We walked to the car.

“Hey, All-Star, whaddaya say we get some Carvel?”

Jamie Reidy, a former walk-on college wrestler and Army officer, is a Los Angeles-based author. His first book, Hard Sell: The Evolution of A Viagra Salesman, served as the basis for the movie “Love and Other Drugs” in which Jake Gyllenhaal played a character named “Jamie.” His latest book, Need One: A Lunatic’s Attempt to Attend 365 Games in 365 Days, is a collection of humorous and heartfelt essays about his father and him.

Squash on the Hill

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by Caitlin Dwyer

  • This story was originally drafted as part of Creative Nonfiction‘s Writing Pittsburgh project.

Marlon is hurt. Or so he says, limping into the squash court, an exaggerated look of pain contorting his face. Coach Samantha Rosado takes one look at him and says, “Hustle up, Marlon. Okay, everybody, what’s next?”

A chorus of voices echoes around the enclosed court: “High skips!”

It’s warm-up time at Steel City Squash.  Sixth-graders are lined up against the wall, fidgeting. When Rosado calls, “Go!” the students bolt forward, their kneecaps lifting high. There’s a lot of groaning. One girl waits until Rosado isn’t looking and then walks. Marlon refuses to skip, his toes dragging along the wood, grimacing. The other students are already back to the wall by the time Marlon is halfway done.

From the wall, a short kid with an oversized yellow t-shirt tucked into his athletic pants starts yelling. “Hurry up, hurry up! Quit draggin’!”

Marlon winces and limps toward the wall.

“You’re wasting squash time!” the short kid yells. His name is Tai’Mere Thompson; at 11, he’s a veteran of the squash team here and clearly feels some authority on the court.

“Shut up!” Marlon shoots back.

“Against the wall,” Rosado orders. She has already told Marlon that he can sit out if he feels hurt, but that he can’t play a game without warming up.

“Quit wasting time!” Tai’Mere repeats, and despite an admonition to keep quiet he yells on, and Marlon yells back, and pretty soon the two of them are screaming at each other. Rosado orders Marlon off the court to cool down, and he stomps off, fuming, while Tai’Mere begins his next set of drills.

Tai’Mere and his teammates come from the Hill District, a primarily African-American neighborhood in the heart of Pittsburgh. The area has some of the city’s prime real estate: rising out of downtown with views north and south. It also has some of the worst poverty and violence in the city. Three times a week, a small group of kids from the Hill District are shuttled to the University of Pittsburgh, where they are taught the basics of squash, a racquetball-like game popular in prep schools, and mentored in skills for academic success.

Steel City Squash (SCS) arrived in Pittsburgh’s Hill District in 2014, when Tai’Mere and Marlon were in fifth grade. Modeled after similar after-school enrichment programs in Boston, New York, Baltimore and Chicago, the nonprofit deliberately targeted the Hill, trying to find a place where squash would stand out.

“It is totally unknown. Squash is a white male elite culture, says SCS Squash Director Samantha Rosado.  “A lot of the top colleges have squash programs, and a lot of them recruit from urban squash teams. There are a lot of scholarships… It’s essentially a way to get them to college.”

Squash may seem like a strange sport for the Hill, but that’s the point, says Jeremy Feinstein, Secretary of the Board at SCS. “It’s harnessing the traditional elitism of the sport itself,” he told me. “If you’re a college admissions officer and you find a kid from the Hill District, and not only have they done pretty well in school but they’re a squash player? That’s not what you’re expecting to see.”

The program is held at the old Fitzgerald Field House, tucked behind an indoor track and the well-lit, broad expanse of the volleyball courts. The staircase is dark and narrow. After practice, I find 11-year-old Marlon, evicted from practice for yelling, sitting on the steps with his head in his hands, crying softly.

“I always get in trouble,” he says, his voice muffled by his hands. “I got in trouble every day for a year. I keep getting blamed.”  He looks up with big, round, desperately sad eyes. His hands lie upturned on his thighs. “It’s just gonna be like this my whole life. I’m gonna go to jail for something I didn’t do.”

The stakes at squash practice are not who learns to serve better, or who makes the team; they are the confidence and conviction of a boy who doesn’t believe he has a choice. What Rosado and the rest of the staff at Steel City Squash are fighting against is the proposition that the fates of these kids are already mapped out. They propose an alternate plan, one of achievement. They are fighting not only the pitfalls of poverty, which lock people into their own geography in a narrow way, but a larger system: one that repeatedly reminds kids of how little they matter.


Steel City Squash (SCS) was, in the beginning, basically a one-man show: executive director Brad Young had come from New York, where he had worked on a similar urban squash program in Harlem. Young is my brother-in-law, a dapper white guy prone to bow ties and boat shoes. That first year, he sought foundational support, set up facilities, and hired staff. He bought a bus. He went throughout the Hill District to recruit students, speaking at assemblies and local events.

SCS aimed to provide the structure and skill sets to get poor and minority youth to college. The program recruits students in late elementary and middle school and tracks with them through high school and beyond. The goal is not to craft professional squash players; it’s to hook kids into a program that will guide them academically.

The model is effective — 95 percent of students who graduate an urban squash program matriculate into a college of some kind, according to the National Urban Squash & Education Association (NUSEA), the umbrella organization that oversees 20 programs in the U.S. That’s a high rate; nationally, low-income students enter college at around 50 percent, whereas high-income students matriculate at around 80 percent, according to FiveThirtyEight.com.

Athletics attract the kids, but the long-term academic focus is what gets parents on board. By the time the kids graduate from high school, they will have spent eight or nine years receiving intensive tutoring. “It’s primarily an academic program,” says Valeria McCrary, SCS Academic Director. “You have to be consistent; you have to be committed. That way, we can really work on getting you to college.”

Exposure to resources and new ideas helps kids cross the boundaries set by poverty, geography, and society. Rather than developing the neighborhood’s buildings or roads — changing the literal map of the Hill District — SCS wants to redraw mental maps. Over time, the program will transform these kids —  physically, as they begin to train for a sport; mentally, as they learn discipline and self-confidence, and as they begin to build pieces of their adolescent identity.

When I first arrived at SCS, I worried that the price of success, for Tai’Mere and his teammates, would be a dissociation from their own neighborhood. They would be transformed into college-ready scholar-athletes, but only if they were willing to let squash, with its popped-collar prep-school style, lay claim to some of the mental territory that was currently occupied by home-grown Hill District pride. So I asked Tai’Mere what he thought.

Tai’Mere has a sweet, open face that still carries its childlike fleshiness. The first time we met, he was kneeling on a swivel chair, peering over the back. During the interview, the swivel chair scooted a bit closer to me with each question; eventually, Tai’Mere had scooted all the way across the room to be next to me. His gaze was unapologetically direct. He wanted, I think, to make sure I was listening.

He jumped right into squash, he said, without knowing much about it. “I am reckless with food and sports,” he proclaimed, which seems appropriate; when he first heard about squash at school, Tai’Mere thought it was a vegetable. “We talking about FOOD?” He grinned at me, reenacting his confusion. Tai’Mere went home and asked his mother to sign him up. After learning that SCS included academic support, she agreed to enroll him.

Despite the foreignness of squash, he quickly claimed it as his own. “I felt like this was gonna be my sport,” he said. He started playing in the beginning of the fifth grade and by sixth grade, had earned his own racket – a prize gained after a full year in the program. As part of the “team,” which means he passed fitness tests and try-outs, Tai’Mere is now a big fan of the game that a year earlier was so unfamiliar to him. Being a professional squash player has become one of his life goals, after which he plans to retire and design his own athletic shoes.

Programs like SCS do change the way that students see themselves and their neighborhood. They can expose kids to teasing and bullying. But the kids coming to squash are not being transformed against their will, or their knowledge; they are actively claiming the sport as their own, and in doing so, they are establishing complex and sometimes conflicted identities.


“It’s a disaster!” Crystalina says, giving me a wry look. She points to the batter, goopy and lumpy, in a mixing bowl. We are standing in her kitchen in the Hill District —  there’s a big glass table, little apple-shaped ceramic dishes, and scattered bags of flour and sugar, vials of lemon essence, tins of cocoa and baking powder. It’s a school holiday, and Crystalina is baking a birthday cake for her father, who lives in another neighborhood.

At 12 years old, Crystalina Edmonds wants to be a baker. And a model-slash-actress. And a professional squash player. That last goal is a newer one, formed in the year since she joined Steel City Squash. Soft-spoken, self-proclaimed “shy,” she takes her time with her words, choosing them carefully. Yet she has a persistent curiosity that drives her to try new things despite her cautious nature — which is what drove her into squash, a sport she had never heard of before last year.

A lanky, pretty girl with delicate features and long braids, Crystalina lives with her grandmother in the heart of the Middle Hill. Her birth mother is not in the picture. Their narrow, brick-sided house stands alone in a weedy, overgrown field. Crystalina navigates her neighborhood block by block, house by house. She tours me around with a childlike sense of place: each home anchored to a past event, a particular character. She doesn’t know street names; she knows stories: “I sold candy to them. That’s my friend. I don’t know them, I know them. I don’t know those last two houses. My friend lives over here. I used to ride past them all the time, and that’s the little after-school program [where I used to go]. That, that, and that.”

“Do you like your neighborhood?” I ask her.

“Yeah…”  Her voice trails off. I ask why she hesitated.

“I’m not sure because the store up the street…it’s really crazy up there. They be shootin’. But down, like, where I live, just down the street, it’s all calm.”

This, too, is part of Crystalina’s map of the Hill: Chauncey Drive, a street that runs behind the Bedford Dwellings apartments, about three blocks from Crystalina’s house, is notorious for drugs and gun violence. She isn’t allowed to go to the store nearby to buy her baking supplies; she has to “keep straight” to another store for her flour and sugar. “They usually don’t shoot when I’m walking past,” she tells me. But nevertheless, she and grandmother, whom she calls Mom, have mapped out safe and unsafe routes, and Crystalina, like a princess in a fairy tale, stays on the paths marked safe and avoids the thorns and thickets. The demarcations matter. Even though violence is nearby, it feels far away from the areas that are known, safe, and peaceful.

“They’re neck and neck, but not really neck and neck.”  She touches her thumbs along their outer edges, making a flat surface across the backs of both hands, and I understand that she means the two areas are side-by-side. “It’s like you walking into a new world.”

This is another way of looking at the Hill: not as a single neighborhood, but as a series of pockets, individualized blocks, some of which are dangerous and some of which are family-oriented and full of children playing in their weedy yards and baking cakes. To set characteristics across the whole neighborhood is to miss the subtlety of walking it as a child: Here but not here. The candy shop. My friend’s house. The good store. The bad store. The noisy neighbors. The place with the funny Halloween decorations. The boring place.

The boring place is school: St. Benedict the Moor, a Catholic K-8 in the center of the Hill. A serious student, Crystalina is a member of the recorder society and a lover of languages (she is currently studying six languages via an app on her phone). Her curiosity makes her impatient, which is what makes school so boring. Take Spanish class, for example: “Everybody cuts her class, it’s the last period, they pay her no attention, so it’s really hard to learn. I don’t wanna listen no more!” She breaks into giggles, shy yet defiant.

This is part of Crystalina’s burgeoning adolescence: an impatience with adults that she feels are wasting her time. She wasn’t always sure, for instance, that squash was worth the time it demanded. When she first started at SCS, her main thought was, “When am I gonna go home?” She didn’t like the drills. “My arms started hurting… we had to do this thing where we bounce the ball and my arms were hurting the next day.”

The next time, however, she was convinced: “It was, like, fun…I was used to the pain.”  She added the Field House and Trees Hall, the university fitness center, to her mental list of places. Now, she travels there along the fixed route of the shuttle bus three times a week, and like her baking and her recorder and her language studies, she is mapping herself a new hobby, new habits, new goals.

Crystalina says that the SCS kids get teased at school. “They’re like squash isn’t even a sport,” she tells me. “I don’t say nothing. Well, you can say football ain’t a sport. I don’t even care to be in on that. It’s drama.”  Her posture is strong, evasive, almost defensive. She repeats again, with the deliberate apathy of adolescence: “I really don’t care.”

The cocoa frosting concocted, I bid Crystalina goodbye. She walks me to the door, explains how to drive back to the university, and stands on the porch watching me go, waving her long, thin arm.’

About an hour later, I see that I have a phone message from Crystalina. A little worried, I call her back. In her reserved way, she says simply, “I just wanted to make sure you got home safe.”

It is the first time I have ever had a twelve-year-old call to check up on me. A few minutes later, I get a text of the cake, HAPPY BIRTHDAY scrawled in goopy letters across the top.


“The Hill District is definitely a dangerous place,” says George Satler. A Pittsburgh homicide detective for 18 years, Satler has worked many cases on the Hill. Shootings are often drug-related and involve ongoing feuds that simmer and occasionally break into violence. Because of the unemployment rate, violence can occur any night of the week.

The surprising thing for Satler has been the pull the Hill exerts on people. When a homicide witness is placed in witness protection and offered relocation to another neighborhood, he says, they often decline. “They say, my cousins are back here, my relatives are back here, my friends are back here, all the businesses that I frequent are here… so I’m going to stay here,” Satler says. Even the financial support of witness protection – and the threat of retaliation for talking with police — isn’t enough to move people out of the neighborhood.

Perhaps that’s because, although rough, the Hill District is rich in community. In the 1930s and 40s, it was a center of culture. At Greenlee Field, the nation’s first electric stadium lights twinkled over the famed Pittsburgh Crawfords baseball team: Josh Gibson, Satchel Paige, and Cool Papa Bell ran the bases, then later the clubs on Center Street. Nighttime meant the tap of high-hats and the blare of trumpets, as Lena Horne, Count Basie, and Duke Ellington played the Hurricane Club, the Crawford Grill, the Melody Bar. Shoppers moved between immigrant Italian, Jewish, and African-American businesses and homes. The Pittsburgh Courier, a black newspaper with national distribution and influence, championed the Double V campaign during World War II: a two-fold victory against Hitler abroad and discrimination at home. The Hill had poverty, but also industry and identity.

These days, a close community inhabits the Hill, many of them generations born and raised in the neighborhood; it is both intimate and closed, cautiously welcoming but essentially self-contained. Many homes are vacant or dilapidated; their shutters sagging, their porches rotting. The brick homes were once stately, but are now surrounded by weedy lots. A bustling new YMCA shines with promise and welcomes kids to play. The small library across the street is quiet and calm. Some blocks feel lively and commercial; others feel sapped, enervated. For a kid in the Hill District, navigating the safe and unsafe spaces is part of growing up.

The neighborhood is wary of outsiders looking to rewrite the map for their own residents. In 1957, the Lower Hill was razed to make room for Pittsburgh’s Civic Arena. Businesses disappeared and homes were leveled. The incident infected the consciousness of the neighborhood. Murmurs about gentrification ripple and subside. Now when people come in looking to “change” the Hill, there is an understandable suspicion of their intentions.

If a program wanted to be a part of this Pittsburgh neighborhood, why choose squash as the catalyst for transformation? Why not football, baseball – sports deeply rooted in Pittsburgh’s own history and community? Among their peers, the SCS kids have encountered resistance to something seen as external and foreign. Like Crystalina, some of them ignore it; others succumb, quitting mid-season to try out for other sports. SCS’ enrollment dipped at the start of last basketball season, and they are still trying to make back their numbers.


“We got a lot of negative comments when we started. What is squash?  Why are you letting him play squash? You don’t even know what squash is — ” Temie Thompson’s voice rises.

“And you rippin on it — ” Tai’Mere jumps in eagerly, finishing his mother’s thought.

“And you’re talking negative about it. So I tell people about the program, but they really don’t take interest,” Temie concludes. She shakes her head, unsure if she wants to continue.

It’s a Wednesday, 5:30 p.m., and Temie looks tired. She wears a jean jacket and cute thick-rimmed glasses. We’re sitting in a classroom at Trees Hall, just up the street from the Hill. This tag team conversation between mother and son —  where the sentiments rocket back and forth, echoed and amplified — is common for Temie and Tai’Mere. They operate as a team (“I’m not a very good parallel parker, but this one talks me into the space —  and he’s only 11!” Temie claims), and the 6th grader seems to pick up naturally on what his mom needs, rushing into the conversation to support her.

Temie raised her sons in the Hill District. She herself was born in the neighborhood and adopted by her grandmother because her own parents struggled with addiction. Now she works at a bank to support the family and is also completing her schooling to become qualified as a paramedic. While she and Tai’Mere’s father agree on most parenting decisions, she remains the primary caretaker. She loves the long-term, personal approach at SCS, and that it keeps Tai’Mere out of trouble —  a more difficult task as he gets older.

For the moment, however, she looks hesitant. We’ve hit some kind of awkward moment, so I decide to venture a guess at what’s making her uncomfortable.

“It’s kind of a sport for rich white people,” I suggest, and a relieved smile breaks across her face.

“I didn’t want to say it, but we got a lot of, ‘That’s a white people sport, white people play that.’” She sighs. “No, all types of races play all types of things.” She supports her son in finding what works for him — even if it means being the odd one out.

When Tai’Mere goes to visit neighborhood friends at football practice, they rib him about squash: “They gonna say, what is squash, why you playing that dumb sport, you softie.” He narrates the conversation for me, but adds: “I ain’t paid them no attention, because they don’t even know what it is.”

And yet later, he admits that he “wants to try” football. His bravado about squash weakens. His dad promised, he says, to sign him up in the fall.


Enduring a bit of teasing is part of the deal. 19-year-old Elhadji Mare attended Harlem StreetSquash, a well-established urban squash program on which SCS is modeled. He is now a sophomore at Trinity College. Although he no longer plays tournament squash – Trinity has the best men’s team in the nation – he credits the Harlem program with helping him gain discipline and stay focused through high school. He got teased a little, but “there’s always going to be somebody teasing you about doing something different than what’s around your community,” he said.

That novelty — doing something different than your peers – may cause some rifts, but it is also what attracts. “It’s actually the first sport I ever played,” Brandy Williamson, another StreetSquash alum, told me. Several of the students I spoke with mentioned this idea – that squash was finally right, after more traditional activities had failed to engage them.

Urban squash programs are very effective in leveraging that interest. The goal is always college. Anyone who doesn’t fit that model, or that goal, can’t take part; and one of the criticisms that alumni have for urban squash is that the programs are narrow, aimed at one single mode of transformation. A student with goals to pursue art, or join the military, or learn a trade, might struggle with the constant college academics focus; as would students with other barriers on their time, such as those with families. Urban squash programs craft a certain type of student into a certain type of scholar-athlete, readying them for college life — but it isn’t a program that serves everyone. It serves a small group of committed kids, and usually the ones who stick with it are the ones who feel like they found their sport.

“It was so addicting. I just wanted to get better and better and better. I wanted to commit and get good at it,” Williamson told me. “It was just the perfect place for me.” She now plays competitively on the Mt. Holyoke women’s team. She adds that being a Harlem-born squash player isn’t as unusual as one would think.

“There’s so many urban squash players in college that most of my matches are with somebody that I know. It’s always cool to see somebody that you know on another team, and know that you came from a similar program,” she replied. “I take pride.”


It’s 3 p.m. and chaos reigns at St. Benedict the Moor: kids are darting in and out, school buses are idling, parents are trying to keep up. A teacher pulls aside a young lady for yelling in the hallway. Brad Young is networking the halls, shaking hands with a smiling parent and saying, “We’ll see you Saturday.”

St. Benedict the Moor fits SCS’ socio-economic profile. To send their students to the program, schools must have minimum 70 percent free and reduced lunch population. So far, SCS has three partner schools and a total of 37 students, with a goal of 45 by the end of the year. A few individuals come from other schools; to qualify for the program, they must speak English as a second language, be from a recognized minority group, or be the first from their family to go to college.

The squash kids spill out of classes in fits and starts. They wear blue slacks, white shirts, and plaid ties that look like miniature cravats. They seem uncontrollably excited and utterly bored at the same time.

We lead them outside and through the crowds and onto the mini-bus. Physically, they could walk to the SCS program. The distance is less than a mile and easily traversable for energetic young legs. But between here, the safety and structure of school, and there, the safety and structure of the university, there are too many distractions, too many offshoots in the wrong direction. So every day, SCS staff pick up the kids and drive them just five minutes to a world that is both proximate and new.

“It’s not really bussing these kids out of the mean streets of the inner city. It’s walkable. It’s an adjacent neighborhood,” says Jeremy Feinstein. “And yet the invisible boundary between a place like the Hill District and the University is vitally important to cross.”

Off the bus, kids straggle into a classroom and dump their backpacks into laundry baskets. Valeria McCrary moves with graceful reserve, greeting them and giving each student a little squirt of hand sanitizer. Some kids go to change into athletic clothes; others grab fruit from a basket. One girl is doing push-ups in the center of the room while someone else tries to stand on her back. Tai’Mere’s squash shoes — all team players get a standard pair — have been mixed up with another student, and he is running around lifting everyone’s feet up and peering at the soles for the initials Sharpied there, bemoaning the fact that his feet are the same size as a girl. Crystalina and her friend are applying perfumed lotion to their arms. McCrary approaches students individually, not intrusive but checking in, reminding, prodding, prompting, asking. Eventually, they start to take seats.

As the Academic Director at SCS, McCrary oversees the hour of homework help during the week and provides academic enrichment on weekends. She meets with families as well as the kids’ teachers from school. With a background in counseling, she focuses not just on academic skills but problem solving, self-discipline, and self-expression: “We’re trying to tackle the kids from a more holistic approach.”

Today, Crystalina is practicing spelling. She mutters under her breath, repeating the words. When McCrary calls her up to show her the Star Chart, Crystalina gets a smile on her face and bounces back to her seat. She has gold stars all across both Squash and Academics. McCrary likes to make sure the kids get positive feedback, and she calls parents regularly to inform them of their child’s progress in the program.

Tai’Mere has a spottier star chart — a few stars here and there, but some empty spaces, blank days. I ask McCrary about his progress.

“Tai’Mere…” She pauses, chuckling. “He does well academically, but the only thing that brings him down is his mouth. He talks a whole lot. He wants to say what he has to say before he forgets it, but sometimes it’s just not the right time. It’s getting him in trouble.”

With a Chicago Bulls hat strapped to his backpack and a reading assignment spread in front of him, Tai’Mere looks relatively quiet at the moment. He found his shoes; he was separated from another girl for tickling her, then from another boy for bothering him; and now he’s reading about the history of video games. After a long silence, he looks up from his homework: “Did you know that the first video game ever made was in 1958?”

McCrary raises her eyebrows. “I did not know that.”

Tai’Mere sings, a made-up tune: “Nine-teen-fifty-eeeeeight.”

“Shhhhh,” McCrary says.

He goes back to his work. The electric lights buzz; someone is typing; McCrary speaks in a low voice with another student. Another moment goes by.

Tai’Mere sings: “Nin-ten-dooooooh.”

He continues to punctuate the quiet with outbursts, comments, scraps of songs. When he finishes reading, he asks permission to use a laptop so he can research African-American attorneys for a report. I suggest Eric Holder, the former attorney general of the U.S.

“No, I want someone black,” he says.

“He is black,” I tell him, but Tai’Mere chooses Michelle Obama because she is “both a woman and a lawyer.” He reads Wikipedia for the next 30 minutes, with occasional outbursts of “WHERE’S HARVARD?” and “IS SHE REALLY ONLY 51?” tossed over his shoulder, more comments than actual posed questions.

The other kids ignore him. McCrary shushes him half-heartedly, smiling at his enthusiasm when he isn’t looking. At 4:30, Rosado pokes her head in the door. “Ready for squash?” she asks, and Tai’Mere slams the computer shut. Crystalina places her homework into her backpack, smiles, and goes to line up behind him.


“I work on the Hill, my family lives on the Hill, they go to school on the Hill,” says Temie Thompson. “Technically, we just sleep in another neighborhood.”

Born and raised in the Hill District, she has based her life there — even though a recent raise at work disqualified her family from their income-based housing. As a result, the Thompson family moved to another neighborhood last fall. She wants to move back as soon as they can figure out housing. Her voice is full of conviction when she adds, “We’re from the Hill. I’m from the Hill District.”

“Me too,” adds Tai’Mere, who is sitting nearby.

His little brother, who is playing the corner, lifts his head and chimes in, “Me too!” I can hear the sense of belonging. They are knit into the neighborhood; Temie admits that it’s not an easy place to grow up, but her daily life and her community are there. Leaving is difficult and undesirable.

But leaving is what the SCS kids will do, eventually. That idea bothered me: was this weird sport dividing kids from their neighborhood? Then I talked to Leroy Dillard.

“It isn’t weird,” he admonished me. “It’s a beautiful game. Youth today need other activities besides basketball, basketball, basketball.” A coach in the Pittsburgh school system for four decades, Dillard was born and raised in the Hill District. He has no involvement with Steel City Squash, but he knows sports, and he knows the Hill. Good athletic programs are not about the identity of who runs them, he says, but about the attitude of the coach. “They don’t have to come from the Hill District… it’s just that they have to know how to deal with the kids,” he told me. “You have to know where they’re coming from.” Like Brandy Williamson, Coach Dillard doesn’t think of squash as different or weird; it’s just another option.

When Tai’Mere proclaims, “I felt like this was gonna be my sport,” part of what a good coach has to do is grant him that. It is his sport. Tai’Mere is not borrowing squash from the Ivy League. He is not trying it out in order to see if he fits into that world; he doesn’t even know where Harvard is. His vocabulary is entirely personal: I like this. This is mine. My sport. To place identity markers onto him — this is a weird sport for you — is almost an act of severance – of denying him a prior claim, stripping him of something he’s already sunk his teeth into.

Setting new goals, whether they be athletic or academic or personal, is one way of claiming identity. Tai’Mere and Crystalina are beginning to shape their own hopes for the future, and if those goals sometimes conflict with their peers’ expectations or the expectations of the outside world, that’s not their problem. Their only job, as middle school students, is to establish and expand the boundaries of their own expectations for themselves. Crystalina, for example, has thought about joining the army to help her see the world. We are mixing dough, our hands caked in flour, when I suggest that she could become an army doctor. She scrunches up her face.

“Yeah, but then I have to go to school for doctor…ing.”  Still hesitant, she asks, “Isn’t there something like docterette…a doctory diploma?”

“Oh a doctorate!”

“Yeah, my friend’s mom went to school for a doctorette… I think that’s the word. But that’s too long. I could go to school for a long time, but I gotta pay for it.” But she looks thoughtful, and later, when the cake is in the oven, tells me that she has been teaching herself Mandarin Chinese, and that she wants to go to Alaska. For a kid who has carefully stuck to the delineated boundaries of her own neighborhood, she is starting to think outside the box.

Valeria McCrary thinks exposure to new opportunities is an advantage the SCS students can return home with: “Don’t forget about where you came from. Even though you can leave your home and get your education, come back and make change to your community.”

For the kids in SCS, leaving the Hill District is still a long way away. Decisions about college are distant. For right now, they have to worry about drawing a Sumerian wheel for social studies, or memorizing the word patrician, or hitting a solid serve-and-return in practice — which can be challenging enough.

In practice the next day, there’s a new recruit in the program who doesn’t know how to handle his racket; he’s flailing and whiffing. Rosado puts him in a court with Tai’Mere to run some drills. There’s a risk that Tai’Mere will get impatient and stomp off the court, or just start to yell again.

Instead, he walks over to the kid and helps him adjust his grip. “Here, hold it like this. You gotta get the grip right so that when you swing, it’s like, goin’ down, and then don’t swing all crazy. Here, like this.”

The new boy watches, unsure, and imitates the motion. There is a patience to Tai’Mere suddenly. His manic energy is gone. He knows how to do this. He has become a teacher.

I get a glimpse, in that quiet, intimate moment between two young boys bent over a racket, of how this works. Buried under the fidgeting and complaining is an unconscious map. Discipline, knowledge, and confidence have sketched new behaviors and habits, and for these kids, squash isn’t unfamiliar. It’s theirs. This is their territory, newly claimed and just barely explored: a whole world, waiting.


Caitlin Dwyer is a freelance writer and teacher who often writes on education. She holds a Master of Journalism degree with honors from the University of Hong Kong and a B.A. from Pomona College. Her literary journalism has appeared in Quartz, The Los Angeles Review of Books, The Asian Review of Books, and others. She is also a monthly columnist at Buddhistdoor Global.

After Midnight

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Literary JournalismAfter Midnight

by Barney T. Haney

I thought there would be beer. A midnight curling club in the Midwest in the middle of winter? Come on. Tammy tells me again, in earnest, that curling is about the people. Inside, I groan a little. It’s Friday, opening night of the Circle City Curling Club’s spring league. I’d envisioned bearded hipsters pontificating over microbrews, pushing free tastes.

We’re at the Artic Zone Iceplex just north of Indianapolis in Westfield. The small arena hosts junior hockey leagues and open skates and, most recently, a curling club. I know next to nothing about curling. I have worn dress shoes to stand on the ice for the next two hours. Tammy, an avid curler and the club’s treasurer, leads me between the 147-foot sheets, which are far longer than they appear on television. Skippers shout for their sweepers to brush harder, willing them with the depth of their howls. Throwers launch themselves to the left and right of me. A man in a faded Superman ball cap with a salt-and-pepper ponytail cascading past his shoulder blades blurs past in an impossibly graceful yoga-like position that resembles the pigeon. Sweepers work at blinding speeds mere centimeters off the stones with sweat dripping from the ends of their noses. Stones roar down the sheets, growling like jets flying miles overhead. The vibration rumbles through the ice. There is no pause, no let up, no time to drink beer. I’d assumed that curling was a glorified version shuffleboard. This is sport!

Tammy introduces me to the club’s members. The Circle City Curling Club is very white, but otherwise covers a surprisingly vast demographic. Club members ages range from 10 to 70-plus. They are hippies, golfers, college coeds, retirees, a doctor, a chemist, an insurance auditor, a sports psychology professor, an architectural photographer, a bagpiper, those whose knees bend, and those whose knees don’t. There is a single bearded hipster among them and he turns out to be one of the most competitive.

“Why do people join?” I ask Tammy.

“I don’t know,” she says and smiles as if this is a wonderful thing, and it is.

curling-squatingIt’s impressive, this blend of generations and genders. The Friday Night League is made up of 19 males and five females. Scores are tight across the board, and the sportsmanship is uncanny. It’s been my experience that competitive sport leagues are often petri dishes for buried hostilities, but there’s not a whiff of sizing-up to be found.

Steve, a slim, middle-aged man, shows me his Apple Watch. His heartrate is 176 beats/minute. He’s burned 200 calories after a mere half hour of sweeping stones. He averages 8,000 to 9,000 steps in a match, which equates to roughly four to four and a half miles.

“Sweeping miles,” he corrects.

“I can’t feel my feet,” I tell him.

“You’d stay a lot warmer if you were working,” says Barb, a 70-year-old with a stylish short, spiky silver hairdo. Barb is an icon in the club. She and her late-husband, Jack, were instrumental in getting the CCCC started. Now she emails her kids when she gets home to tell them she made it and is drinking her Sambuca.

By the end of the night, I am exhausted. Steve finishes at 525 calories burned. A 20-something compares his Fitbit calorie count of 517. The stones are stored and brooms are packed away. We bid one other good morning and head out. On the drive back to my apartment, I pass cops clearing the revelry off the strip, the feeling slowly returning to my feet. When I get home, I Google Sambuca.


I am invited to a broom-stacking! Should I go? Yes.

Broom-stacking is curling code for beer drinking. It’s a weeknight and I have to teach early the next morning, but I find it disgraceful not to honor this new phrase.

The host’s smile tightens when I enter the Ram Brewery. I’m not well. She keeps one eye on me while craning her neck to locate the bouncer. The roads are a mess. On the drive, a semi coated my windshield in greasy road slush then, to my horror, the deicing washer fluid sprayed out the side of my car’s hood. I navigate the last six miles of heavy highway-traffic through a two-by-eight-inch swath, gripping the wheel so hard I think the airbag will deploy. No one is going to be here, I tell myself. I should have texted. I should have called ahead.

“I’m supposed to be meeting the curling club,” I tell her.

Her face softens. She leads me toward the riotous noise coming from the back of the bustling brewery. Around the corner in a narrow dining hall the tables have been arranged into a long row. The scene is like a village come to honor the curling gods with a fried tenderloin and stout feast. They hurl stories down this ceremonial sheet and roar with laughter.

Club President Dan introduces me to the team he’s taking to the Curling Senior National Championship in Medford, Wisconsin. Our conversation revolves around chicken feet, embryo transplants, North Dakota State football, dairy cows, southern Minnesota, inner China, fecal samples, curling on cruise ships, pension plans, hologram houses, and dedicated ice.

Competitive curling happens on two types of surfaces: arena ice or dedicated ice. Arena ice, which the CCCC curls on, is your common public skating rink ice. Often uneven, its surface tends to change from day to day, sheet to sheet. Stumbling kids’ skates leave gouges too deep for the Zamboni. These conditions are difficult for even the best of club’s curlers to overcome and make it nearly impossible to finely calibrate one’s game. Dedicated ice, on the other hand, is an art form. High-quality water is essential (reverse osmosis or deionized water is preferred), the ice is leveled, pebbled, and kept at an exact temperature for optimum stone performance. Perhaps the most significant distinction between dedicated ice and arena ice is its influence on how a curling club visualizes itself. Dedicated ice is swagger. Dedicated ice makes a club thrive. Its all-access ice time allows a club to offer “learn-to-curls” — cash and recruitment cows — at family-friendly times. It opens opportunities for hosting bonspiels (weekend-long curling tournaments) which bring revenue to the club and to local vendors, creating incentive for sponsorships. Most importantly, it has the potential to save the CCCC from extinction, which, Dan tells me, is a troubling reality. Attendance is down 40 percent from the fall. The late-night ice time is taking its toll. Recently the club’s board has had to shift its focus from building the club to sustaining it.

Dedicated ice would likely change the clubs’ circumstances in dramatic ways, but getting there isn’t easy. The cheaper ice-making machines start at $350,000 and the special curling Zamboni can cost $13,000. Then there’s the land, the housing facility, the insurance. It’s a Herculean task, and without strong membership the chance of a club’s acquiring dedicated ice is bleak. The Artic Zone is the fifth venue the CCCC has called home in the last 10 years. The recent return of minor league hockey to Indianapolis has rejuvenated the city’s youth and adult hockey leagues. Arenas compete for the revenues amateur hockey brings. The CCCC has been left with the choice of curling at midnight or not at all.

The ceremony at the Ram Brewery ends with hearty rounds of embrace and plans to meet again. When their ice times were better, the CCCC gathered here after curling each week to analyze their matches over cold ones. Now they meet here once a month for dinner. There’s a genuine sweetness about this that resonates with me. I clean off my windshield in the parking lot and the roads, though no less messy, somehow seem not as bad.


There is an open sheet this Friday night. Tammy invites my wife Molly and me to “Learn to Curl.” It’s long been a desire of Molly’s to curl. Tammy and her husband Wes, a certified instructor, will be giving us this clinic. Lisa, a petite woman in her late-50’s, who will compete with Tammy at a bonspiel in Fairbanks, Alaska, later this month, will join us for extra practice.

Wes is shy. He has the trunk of a rugby player and keeps his elbows tight to his sides as if to apologize for taking up space. Despite the cold he wears a white cotton T-shirt and black synthetic workout pants that stop short of his ankles. Tammy met him at a hockey game. He introduced her to curling. After her second lesson, they competed in a mixed-doubles bonspiel in Nashville, placing second. At their wedding, the ring bearer carried their bands down the aisle on the pad of her curling broom. Tonight, Wes seems nervous. It is obvious that he has a specific idea in mind, and that things must be just right: “Please, Barney, stand over here. Just a little more, please. Stand over here. Now over here.”

I feel as if I’m having my picture taken. I move a step to the left then another then another. I don’t dare laugh, nor do I look at Molly, who I know is busting up inside. I step to the right and, thinking that I am back where I started, I move to the left a little.

“Over here, please,” Wes says. I step over there.

In 2010, watching the Winter Olympic curling from our couch in Lake Charles, Louisiana, I tell Molly, this is our chance. My dream of Olympic Gold suddenly seemed tangible. Schuster’s American team looked bad. Curling looked easy.

Now, six years later, with a stone finally in hand and my foot snug against the hack, the sweet scent of gold returns to my nostrils. I rear back, push off, and immediately lose control of my body, wobbling as helplessly as a toddler, my legs begin to spread further and further apart, an unpleasant strain makes itself known in my nether region, and just before I fall flat on my face, I desperately heave the stone forward only to watch it stop short of the hog line—the required distance to count as playable.

“That’s alright!” Wes yells from the opposite end of the sheet.

Curling is far more challenging than it seems. Learning how to deliver a stone reminds me of learning how to pitch a baseball. All that concentration on form and movement only to see that ball fly out the side of my hand. My next stone torches the house, threating Wes’s ankles. A little less weight, he coaches. Don’t forget to turn the handle, Lisa says. Ten to 12. Two to 12. Balance, Wes says. Get your butt up. My legs tremble from the strain and a tender bruise is forming on the inside of my left knee.

Molly, a former hurdler and triple jumper, goes next. It is my job to sweep for her, naturally. Here I think I will do well. Sweeping is something I’ve done plenty of.

“Harder!” Wes shouts from behind the house. “Harder!”

My pressure or pace? I don’t know. Panic sets in. The eyes of the club are upon me. My broom head is going to foul the stone any second. Get closer, Lisa says. Sweep faster. The 147-foot sheet turns into the road to forever. By the time I make it to the end of the sheet I’m pulling my coat off. Sweat runs down my legs. Steve’s Apple watch is full of shit. This is far more taxing. Molly’s stone sits in the house’s 4-foot ring — what an angel. I’m winded and my legs burn from the awkward shuffling. She goes on to throw a house party. I stink up the place and have a ball doing it. Curling takes precision and balance and calibration. My brain and body can’t quite put it together. Lisa, who’s been encouraging all night, looks me square in the eye and says that my struggles are probably due to weak thighs. Thank you, Lisa.


Late-season and club attendance is down. Those that show move languidly toward the nearest chair with little more than a grunt of hello. We’re watching “Curling Night in America” on a flat screen in the breakroom, waiting for public skate to end. A man with winter in his beard laments that moments earlier he was watching this in his living room, warm and in a comfy chair. Below us, on the ice, the teens couple-skate to Journey’s “Faithfully” under cosmic black lighting and spinning strobes. Ceaseless waves of shrills crash upon the rafters. Somewhere down in that beautiful chaos a drop of sweat forged by the heat of two young palms is freezing on the ice. Curling cannot compete with this in Indianapolis. Not yet. The Butler University team arrives trailed by a student film crew. Their energy is electric, but separate. They don’t interview any of the other club members; not that anyone seems to mind. Some subs show up, including a College National Champion from the University of Tennessee, who raises some eyebrows and a few grumbles. The skin under Tammy’s eyes has turned a shade darker since I’ve met her. She talks financial strategy with Adam, a fundraiser at nearby Wabash College. They’ve located a potential space at a casket warehouse.

“I told the board members I will take change,” Tammy says. “Clean out your piggy banks!”

The club is desperate to have dedicated ice before the 2018 Winter Olympics. Olympic-generated interest has historically created significant spikes in curling club memberships across the country. It’s what inspired the CCCC founders. But even ardent supporters find it hard to overlook a midnight playing schedule. The club is making a high-stakes gamble, but it may soon lose itself if not for attempting the impossible. Tammy tells me they’ve raised $50,000. If they can double it by the end of 2016, they hope to start bidding on facilities.

Hope can be a source of tension. Tonight it’s getting the better of Tammy. I ask Jeff, the club’s co-founder, about the possibility that their dedicated ice vision is “A Field of Dreams” fantasy. If you build it, I ask, will they come? He tells me a story about nagging a sports editor at The Indianapolis Star to do an article on the club in 2009.

“I kept calling him, saying, ‘Hey, we’re curling and, you know, do you need a story?’ He said, ‘Nah, eh, and uh,’ then finally he says, ‘Look, it’s a rainy day story.’ Well, a month or two later, it was just pouring down outside, right? So, I get on the phone and I call him and I’m like, ‘Hey, look out your window.’ So, he relented. He said, ‘Fine, fine, fine.’ So they came out and they did a story on us and it became a big front page deal on a Friday or Saturday, I can’t remember, but, man did it get a lot of play. We had a curling clinic promoted in the article, scheduled for two or three weeks later. Typically, for a clinic we get between 15 to 20 people, so we estimated for like maybe 50 to 60 people coming. I think we had between 250 to 300 show up; I lost count. We had two hours for that clinic. It was basically, walk on the ice, this is what a curling stone looks like, next! We didn’t have a chance, we didn’t have a prayer of doing anything. We had no clue that it was going to be that popular. It’s funny. A lot of our members were at that clinic.”

Later, I will find out that Jeff contacted every last person who came that day and rescheduled individual curling clinics for those who were still interested. Impossibility be damned—I like their chances of getting dedicated ice.

The last of the teens return their skates. The Zamboni slugs over the ice leaving a slick trail behind it. I stay until the hacks are screwed down, then wish them luck and head for the exit. I’m 10 feet from the door, when someone bangs the on the Plexiglas behind me. Two of Jeff’s teammates haven’t shown, they’ve got a sub on the way, but would I curl a couple of ends till she gets here?

What the hell.

To be fair, I give them full disclosure about my lack of ability. They smile and nod. The tiredness they had in the breakroom is gone now that we’re on the ice. You’re up first, they say. I get my right foot in the hack, butt up, eyes forward. I don’t think about it. Jeff gives me a target and thrust: I am balance and grace. The stone rotates in a fine arc as if the ice is a canvas, the line a painter’s stroke. Into the house it goes, finding a cozy little room in the front half of the 4-foot diameter, igniting an explosion of heckling. My stone scores the lone point of the first end. The next end, I place one on the rim of the button, then set a guard. Again, my stone scores. It’s glorious, this feeling. I don’t want it to end. Jeff’s sub shows up and—best of all—it is Lisa. I’m all redemption song: “Look at what these weak thighs did!” I yell and point at the scoreboard.

“I’m sorry,” she says, confusion in her watery eyes, “do I know you?”


Barney T. Haney teaches English at the University of Indianapolis and is an editorial assistant for Sport Literate. His work has appeared in Fiction Writers Review and Mid-American Review.

To learn more about  the Circle City Curling Club, check out their website.


Lessons Learned with Robert Lipsyte

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SL Interview

Lessons Learned with Robert Lipsyte

by William Meiners

Maybe these are the end of times. The Cubs and the Indians in the World Series. The absurdity of a presidential election where the GOP’s best offering makes Charlie Sheen seem like a reasonable man — Winning! Or not. I’m on the lookout for those galloping four horsemen, though hopefully after the Cubbies make their own history.

I thought a lot about Robert Lipsyte thislipsyte-book summer, when I saw him in the O.J. documentary, and speaking of his days covering Muhammad Ali for the New York Times. If writers need role models (and why wouldn’t we?), Lipsyte would be one of mine. I shared our Ali-covered “22nd Summer” issue with him and reached out for an interview. His perspective — in a dozen answers to follow — shows he’s a man for all times, past, present, and forthcoming.

William Meiners: Between the insanity of the current presidential election and some turbulent times in an Olympic year, I suspect you’ve had a few flashbacks to 1968. Nearly half a century later, do you think we’re just rolling through some cyclical part of history or could the United States be grappling with longstanding problems that just seem insurmountable?
Robert Lipsyte: Both. We haven’t come close to solving those problems although we’ve certainly seen enough progress to make the choirs brave. We understand and in some cases even acknowledge how far we need to go in giving all Americans, especially women, African-Americans, and the poor a fair deal. I keep coming back to my Dad’s line: “Everybody should pull themselves up by their own boot straps, but it’s up to society to make sure everyone starts out with a pair of boots.” I think sports sometimes gives us a false picture of progress — there are so many rich and celebrated African-American men in football and basketball — but the injustices continue. Which puts more pressure on black athletes to step up and white athletes to support them.

WM: At the end of August, you wrote about one particular flashback, actually a great article in Slate. Recalling Tommie Smith and John Carlos, you said Colin Kaepernick’s not standing (subsequently taking a knee) for the national anthem was the “boldest display of athletic activism since the 1968 black-power salute in Mexico.” With several football players following suit, as well as a diverse group of women from other sports, do you think this is the beginning of reactivated activism in sports?
RL: A few months later, I still hope so, that this is the Athletic Revolution Redux. Smith, Carlos, and Ali were commercially crushed for their principles, none of them got their corporate endorsement due, and the athletes who followed took note and allowed themselves to be co-opted. They became shoe salesmen. My current optimism is based on the WNBA standing up with T-shirts and protests, and high school football teams taking a Kaepernick, which tells me there are thinking young players out there and progressive coaches allowing them to express themselves.

WM: Much of the reaction to Kaepernick, besides twisting his protest into a slam against military men and women, focused on the idea of “shut up and play,” or go sit on the bench. The suggestion perhaps being that he’s achieved beyond the status quo, so he should be happy with that. What impresses you most about his protest and how might his actions help in not just inspiring others, but also fostering change?
RL: Years ago, I covered a high school team whose middle linebacker came out as gay. When one of the players complained about having to undress and shower with a gay teammate, the captain said, “You’re a football player, just suck it up.” That’s always stuck with me. That’s what they’re supposed to do. We’re drawn to these players for their physical courage, which they’re proud of, but what about their moral courage? Suck it up, the way activists, single moms, the disabled, do every day. When football players suck it up it’s usually to hide pain or injury so they don’t lose their jobs. Suck it up when a principle is on the line. That’s what Kaepernick did. “Shut up and play” is for wimps.

WM: From best-selling jerseys to death threats, Kaepernick has become a focal point in this polarizing debate over issues brought forth by the Black Lives Matter movement. He kind of joked (at least hoping it wouldn’t happen), that someone murdering him would only prove his point. Of course, recent fatal police shootings in Tulsa and Charlotte continue to illustrate the problem. How can athletes bridge a gap in what seems like such a great divide?
RL: We all have responsibilities as citizens, but jocks live off the fantasies of fans, the illusion that they are special. Well, act special, at least help get the dialogue going. The danger, of course, for them is that fans see their humanity and the illusions are spoiled, better they should remain video game heroes, replaceable avatars with sportswriter back stories.

WM: The start of the NBA, which is even more of a “Black League” than the NFL, is upon us. What, if any, protests, do you anticipate? Do you think the league will try to suppress them?
RL: I’m watching this with great interest. Carmelo Anthony’s call for involvement using that powerful Instagram picture of the great black athletic activists — Ali, Jim Brown, Bill Russell, Kareem — was a reminder that there have been heroes who were willing to take risks. LeBron followed that up with a few others at the ESPY’s. Now we have to see if they are true activists or just yak-tavists, dribbling through the zeitgeist. Pro basketball players are probably in the best position to create change — the owners know they could start their own league if need be.

WM: I’m all for free speech. Let them pry the pen from my cold, dead hand. I don’t have a gun. But that means knowing that even misinformed (downright stupid) speech is allowed in this country. For some reason that makes me think of Jake and Elwood Blues running the Illinois Nazis off a bridge. I would hope most people would want to run Illinois Nazis off a bridge. But they’ve got a right to congregate. With the baseball season winding down we saw Steve Clevenger, a second-string catcher from the Seattle Mariners, suspended for the rest of the season for making insensitive remarks about protestors in Charlotte on a private Twitter account. His words actually echo a lot of what you might hear on Twitter and Facebook. Is this a double standard for two second-string signal callers?
RL: Clevenger is an exemplar of the dark side of wanting athletes to step up and speak their minds (see Curt Schilling, John Rocker.) They tend to be reactionary and ignorant (not stupid) from having existed in the tunnel of their games since they were kids, owned by rich men, and taught to roll over for alpha males. Interesting that most of the fools are white. Suspending a second-string catcher on the DL for the rest of the season in September looks better than it is. I was surprised that there was no reprisal against Kaepernick, although pleased. I think he’s a hero. I also think that he represents a coming generation who wants to do the right thing. I sense Trump — who in many ways is a model of Jock Culture’s underside of bullying, intimidation, know-nothingness — has disgusted many people and managed to make them uncomfortable with a magnified reflection of their own selfishness and bigotry.

WM: You and I first talked for a Sport Literate interview in 2000. That particular issue featured “Christmas City, U.S.A.” — Michael McColly’s basketball essay which is really about racism. There was another essay about the rise and fall of Mike Tyson. For the first time, in our pages anyway, we gave some voice to issues concerning social justice. As a young journalist for the New York Times, did you make a deliberate decision to be a “progressive writer,” or did your voice somehow shape the things you wrote about?
robert_lipsyte-head-shotRL: That’s a good question I’ve been trying to answer for myself these past 50 years. I was not an avid sports fan growing up, my parents were totally unaware of sports (maybe they knew about Jackie Robinson). They were New York City public school teachers in Harlem and black Brooklyn, whose dinner table conversations were about inequality and the quest for social justice through education. So I came to the Times at 19, as a copyboy, with a flair for feature-writing and not much sports history or x’s and o’s expertise. I got a lot of freedom at the paper, became a columnist relatively quickly, and so picked my own stories, or at least chose the way I would approach them. Being sent to the 1964 Cassius Clay — Sonny Liston fight was the big break of my career, got me attention and set the course. Through Ali and the book I wrote with Dick Gregory (“Nigger”) I met Malcolm and leaders in the movement and solidified the attitude with which I came into sports. It was no deliberate decision for me to see thoroughbred horse racing and NASCAR as models of class in America, it just seemed plain. Look down at floor during a Final Four and see that something like 80 percent of the players are black and they represent 80 percent white schools. I did try to remind myself that sometimes a cigar is just a cigar (I could get interested in courses for horses and restrictor plates), but I think most writers are directed by a GPS deep in their psyches, unless they are just doing shtick.

WM: You covered Muhammad Ali all the way back to his Cassius Clay days. From a pure charismatic standpoint, has there been another athlete who could touch him? If not, who has come close?
RL: I’ve always thought Billie Jean King was the most important athlete of the 20th century; consider her impact on half the world’s population for starters. Charisma? How do you measure that? She was as much fun to be around as Ali, and her impacts on ending shamateurism and opening the discussion of LGBTQ matters were enormous. She came close.

WM: In that 2000 interview, you talked about Ali being such a perfect match for the times. He simply reacted, often with great humor, to what was thrown at him. Do you think he may have been an accidental activist? Other than keeping him out of the ring in his prime, what did his three-year ban from fighting do for his legacy?
RL: Those three-plus years changed him from an uneducated boxer and dogmatic follower of the Nation of Islam to a man who came to understand his world. The only way he could make a living was on the college circuit. He was boring in the beginning, but he listened to the questions and learned from them.  By the end of his exile, when he said things like he didn’t want to be another black man sent by white men to kill brown men for a country that did not give him full rights, he knew what he was talking about.

WM: You never pulled any punches writing about Ali, speaking to the cruelty in which he mercilessly hammered boxers who called him Clay and perhaps abandoning his friendship with Malcolm X. Yet everything in his life, including some three decades of living with Parkinson’s disease, formed his life story. As someone who helped share the stories of one of the famous men in history, what do you think were Ali’s three greatest accomplishments?
RL: Besides the pure joy he gave as the most entertaining athlete of our time? One — Growing Up —  Being open and able to change and develop. Two — Staying Sweet — He was incredibly warm and kindly to his fans. Three — Suffering with Gallantry — He was the championship model for being a patient with unself-consciousness and dignity.

WM: I thought “O.J.: Made in America” was a stunning documentary, really putting into historical perspective all the turmoil between the Los Angeles Police Department and the city’s residents of color. Of course, it’s hard not to view O.J. Simpson as a Shakespearean hero in his own rise and fall. In that sense, what was O.J.’s tragic flaw?
RL: What was Othello’s tragic flaw? Jealousy? Pride? Self-deception? I think you’re right about O.J. as a Shakespearean hero, mostly in the context of the new documentary, a brilliant piece of film-making. But there were also more mundane flaws and they were obvious early, especially his neediness to be accepted, even loved by white men with power whose own sense of masculinity was enhanced by being in O.J.’s presence, under the testosterone shower, whether it was in movies, sports TV or Hertz commercials. They understood, if O.J. didn’t, that he worked for them, at their sufferance. O.J. was a faithless, abusive husband, and an ingratiating, accessible subject for journalists, not exactly a heroic balance. I found him easy copy, likeable, enormously cooperative, and narrowly self-absorbed — the same traits I found in Trump as a subject in the Eighties and Nineties — which made both of them, in my mind, suspect. (Chalk that up to Journalist self-doubt rather than prescience.)

WM: Ali and O.J. were contemporaries, but I don’t suspect they ran in the same circles. Yet they were superstar celebrity athletes decades before our “celebrity-obsessed” culture. How were they alike? How were they different? What lessons could each offer today’s “trending” athletes?
RL: O.J. was the alt.-Ali, also a soothing antidote to Brown, Russell, all those hard black athletes who intimidated white Americans with their uncompromising senses of self. O.J. was a grinner (see Magic Johnson), saying you’re O.K. with me to the white fans who wanted to think they were colorblind while also feeling good about themselves for bestowing their tolerance on a black man who pretended to love them back. Ali, who never denied his blackness (his put-downs of Joe Frazier’s hair, skin and facial features is a different, fascinating topic) loved everybody in a narcissistic way, while O.J. loved only his fantasy version of himself. Cautionary lessons for other athletes? First, get to be the best in your game, two, offend no one, three, make a pile and hold onto it. In other words, Be Like Mike. I’d like to think that for many of the new, more thoughtful breed of athlete, that’s no longer enough.

Robert Lipsyte, a former ESPN ombudsman, was a longtime New York Times sports columnist.

William Meiners, a freelance writer and teacher, is the editor of Sport Literate.

Safe At Home

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Safe At Home

 by Charles W. Brice

For Malik Hamilton

Last night, Andrew McCutchen, “Cutch” to us, slammed a tough one
into right field that hopped happily over Minnesota’s Eddie Rosario’s
left shoulder and dribbled onto the wall where Rosario, like the lame god
Hephaestus (what was he thinking?), took his sweet time retrieving the orb,
while Cutch, speedy as Apollo’s chariot, rounded third base and smashed
into the Twin’s Mount Olympus in the earthly form of Edwardo Nunez.

Their collision made the Hadron Collider blush and set the Richter Scale
thumping. The men who used to be in blue, but are now in gray,
called interference on Mount Olympus and sent our Pittsburgh Apollo
to the safety of home plate. Later, Cutch made poetry of the event,
“Definitely a foul there,” he said. “Fifteen yard penalty, roughing the passer,
automatic first down.” Andrew, our passer, was safe at home,

as I hope he is tonight and all the nights of his young life. I hope
he avoids the men in black who threw Eric Garner, Samuel Dubose,
Jonny Gammage, Walter Scott, John Crawford III, Dontre Hamilton,
and so many African American men out of the game forever,
out before they got to third base — passers, under
the lights of this long American night.


Charlie Brice is a recovering psychoanalyst. His first poetry collection, Flashcuts Out of Chaos, was published by WordTech Editions in June, 2016. His poetry has appeared in The Atlanta Review, Avalon Literary Journal, The Paterson Literary Review, The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Spitball, VerseWrights, The Writing Disorder, and elsewhere. He is an International Merit Award winner in the Atlanta Review’s Poetry 2015 International Poetry Competition, and his poem, “Wild Pitch,” was named one of the 75 best poems in Spitball magazine.